Transitional/Independent Living Programs
Ages 18-21
Preparing to Transition from DHR
Learn all necessary Life Skills to Survive at 21
The Harris Home For Children Transitional Living Program is for young adults, male and female, whose needs can be met in a family-style setting while they are educated on how to work through the problems of adolescence and young adulthood. The residents live in a cottage-like home, with each home having a Houseparent. Emphasis is placed on preparing these youths for independent living and self-sufficiency as they learn appropriate social and interpersonal skills. Trained Staff Members teach the youths to cook, clean, drive, and maintain bank accounts as a part of their life-skills training.
• Young adult population
• “Family-like” environment; full-time supervision provided by Houseparent
• Emphasis placed on preparing for independence and self-sufficiency
Independent Living
At Harris Home For Children we recognize that youth may not be ready to live independently the moment they turn 18. This is where the Independent Living Program comes in. The Independent Living Program helps our youths prepare for, and make a successful transition to independence. This program is made up of young men and women, ages 18-21, who are full-time college students or are gainfully employed while living in apartments subsidized by Harris Home For Children. Supervision and financial responsibility are gradually reduced as self-sufficiency is demonstrated. Objectives are put in place so that the youth, through training and experiential living, master independence and become self-sufficient adults.
• Ages 18+
• Reside in apartments subsidized by Harris Home For Children
• Training and Supervision provided to help make successful transition towards independence
Support Programs Overview
Harris Home For Children is proud to offer additional programing to the youths we serve in the hopes that we can further cultivate and nurture their lives. The pursuit of academic excellence is fostered and promoted with each child in preparation for college and/or career readiness. Additionally, all Harris Home For Children residents are provided opportunities to explore and participate in various interesting events in an effort to expose them to the world around them, and all it has to offer them.
Channel 19 WHNT
Success Story
with Geraldine Thompson
Garden Event
Across the Pond
Special Thanks to Our Ongoing Supporters
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